Monday, August 9, 2010

My #1 Tip for Weight Loss

If you're like me, you struggle with your weight. These days, that word is weighty (pun most definitely intended) with connotations and implications that women didn't have to deal with in prior ages. There's "body image," "eating disorders," and even "political correctness" involved with the size of our bodies. I don't really want to get into all that now (it's a rant for another day). What I want to do is share the number one tip that has helped me shed unwanted pounds:

Find out what foods you're allergic to, and stop eating them.

Yes, it really is that simple on the surface. One of my doctors told me years ago that if I did this one thing, the weight would melt away. And you know what? He was right.

He tested me for all kinds of allergies, which in retrospect was probably not the Best Idea Ever. The one food to which I had the greatest reaction was wheat.

Last fall, I got serious about not eating wheat. No bread, pizza, pasta, desserts, even canned soups. You have to be careful, because wheat's in everything. Guess what? In 8 months, I'd lost 29 pounds. That's a little less than a pound a week, which is generally considered to be safe and healthy weight loss.

So if you are unhappy about the size of your body, go find a reputable allergist near you and get yourself tested for food allergies. Eliminate the one food that you have the worst reaction to, and let me know the result. It may not be easy, especially if you have an allergy addiction, but I promise you that you won't be sorry.


  1. I totally need to suck it up and do that.

  2. That's really something I haven't thought of. I have a trick too, drink more water. You'll feel fuller and be better hydrated.

    Congratulations on the weight you've lost so far and it's great that you're doing it in a way where it'll come off and stay off.
