The last few weeks have been a nightmare of screeching from all sides. Mudflinging, name-calling, “yo mama!,” and hate just flooding my Tumblr dash and my Facebook page. I’m so tired of it all.
Yes, I get that there are important issues at stake. Yes, I get that the rest of the world cares deeply about who our President is. Yes, I get it. I get it all.
But why do people have to be so strident about it? I feel like I’m surrounded by car dealers yelling and blowing horns and flashing strobe lights and those flailing creepy-ass tube-people things trying to get my attention. And you know what? I don’t buy cars from those people, so that approach is not going to get my vote, either.
At this point, people have mostly made up their minds how their vote is going to be cast. This final push before Election Day is not going to accomplish much except to alienate Americans from each other and from their friends living in other parts of the world.
I’m sick of politics. I don’t believe any of the candidates, and I don’t think any of them have the best interests of the American people at heart. Once again, I will be voting against the one I perceive to present the biggest danger to my country and my people, and then will just get through the next four years until the next circus comes to town.
Ugh. I couldn't agree with you more. I hate the constant feeling of having to vote "against" the worst candidate rather than actually voting FOR someone...for a change. Unfortunately all my "for" men dropped out - or were pushed out - long ago...and who can blame then, really? What sane man wants to tackle THIS mess? I think it might be time for another revolution...overhaul the entire system of government and start over again! "The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants." -Thomas Jefferson, 1787
ReplyDeleteNo sane person wants to tackle this mess. That's why the most qualified people don't run.
DeleteI read a novel once where the governing people were chosen by election but had no say in the matter. Once they were elected, all their property was put in trust, and they served for one year. At the end of the year, if they had incurred more debt than was there at the beginning of their term, their property was sold to make up the difference.
That's a little extreme, but I must say I like the idea of electing someone who doesn't have any particular interest in the job, and having shorter terms. But all that would require heavy revision tot he Constitution, and that won't happen.